Cinema Sewer #28

Cinema Sewer #28


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WOW! Cinema Sewer is here again! Have a drink and put on a party hat, this shin-dig is going allllll niiiiiight!

Danny Hellman again supplied the cover for this issue. Check it out, he did an illustration of 1970s and 80s men's magazine photographer, Johnny Castano! Never heard of him? Me either until a couple of years ago! I rip the lid off the behind the scenes look at Castano's life and times!

Other highlights in this big 46 page issue include: a spotlight on the forgotten Lili Marlene, an ode to C.J. Laing, an interview with Casey Scott about the nature of film fandom, an insightful look into the fabricated history of "fluffing", and more genre film reviews than you can shake a stick at! Yes, it's another do-not-miss release from the house of weird ideas! DON'T MISS THIS ISSUE!