Cinema Sewer #27

Cinema Sewer #27


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This zesty issue clocks in at 44 comic book sized pages, and does a smashdown on every movie-zine that has come before it! Yes, it entertains like a bat out of hell, and without a sense of irony!

Features a lengthy article I wrote and researched over the last 3 years about the history of the Savoy theater, and the infamous Red Hot Video firebombings! I think it's one of the best feature articles I've done in some time. There is also an interview with 1970s/80s actor/director David Christopher, an overview of the career of French filmmaker Max Pecas, various rants, reviews, and tons of illustrations and classic movie newspaper admats!

Yes! Don't miss this jam-packed issue! It sports a finely detailed cover by the artist of the amazing SABERTOOTH SWORDSMAN graphic novel, Aaron Conley! You best believe that I most certainly bow and grovel before the towering mountain that are his copious talents.